2024 Forum Sponsorships
The National Association of Women in Construction’s core purpose since 1955 has been to Strengthen and Amplify the
Success of Women in the Construction Industry. With over 115 Chapters throughout the US, we are the leading
association in the championing of women in this male populated industry.
NAWIC’s Southeast Region Spring Forum is coming to Nashville April 5-6, 2024. We’re expecting women from 14
Chapters throughout the Southeast Region to converge at the Nashville Marriott @ Vanderbilt for 2 days of business,
education, and networking. With 8 confirmed speakers, panel discussions, and two top-of-the-line keynote speakers,
this event is gearing up to be a success.
A sponsorship is a great way for your organization to be recognized as a Leader in the industry, and to directly connect
with decision makers in the Southeast Region.

The Ryman Auditorium
Sponsorship Package
Logo in all email blasts pre & post event
Logo and link to company website on NAWIC regional and chapter websites, pre & post event
Logo on sponsorship page of event website
Full page ad in program (client provided)
Special recognition at Saturday award banquet
Logo on all event signage during the event
Logo in event program
Table at the ballroom during the event (ballroom space limited to first 6 sponsors)
Time at podium during Friday lunch
Opportunity to include promotional items in attendee welcome bags
(2) additional registrations include all workshops and provided meals
(2) additional tickets for full access to Friday workshop (lunch included)
(2) additional tickets for Saturday awards banquet
Send .png or .jpg files to nichole.jenkins@rogersgroupinc.com no later than February 1st, 2024, or upload them below at checkout.
Grand Ole Opry Sponsorship Package
Logo and link to company website on NAWIC regional and chapter websites, pre & post event
Logo on sponsorship page of event website
Half page ad in program (client provided)
Special recognition at Saturday award banquet
Logo on all event signage during the event
Logo in event program
Table at the hallway during the event
Time at podium during Friday lunch
Opportunity to include promotional items in attendee welcome bags
(1) additional registrations include all workshops and provided meals
(2) additional tickets for full access to Friday workshop (lunch include
Send .png or .jpg files to nichole.jenkins@rogersgroupinc.com no later than February 1st, 2024, or upload them below at checkout.

Tootsies Sponsorship Package
Logo on sponsorship page of event website
Quarter page ad in program (client provided)
Special recognition at Saturday award banquet
Logo on all event signage during the event
Logo in event program
Table at the hallway during the event
Opportunity to include promotional items in attendee welcome bags
Send .png or .jpg files to nichole.jenkins@rogersgroupinc.com no later than February 1st, 2024, or upload them below at checkout.
The Bluebird Café Sponsorship Package
Name on sponsorship page of event website
Quarter page ad in program (client provided)
Name on all event signage during the event
Name in event program
Opportunity to include promotional items in attendee welcome bags
Send .png or .jpg files to nichole.jenkins@rogersgroupinc.com no later than February 1st, 2024, or upload them below at checkout.

The Station Inn Sponsorship Package
Name on sponsorship page of event website
Business card size ad in program (client provided)
Name in event program
Opportunity to include promotional items in attendee welcome bags
Send .png or .jpg files to nichole.jenkins@rogersgroupinc.com no later than February 1st, 2024, or upload them below at checkout.
Event Program-Only Options
Full page Ad, full color - $500
Half page Ad, full color - $250
Quarter page Ad, full color - $150
Business card Ad, full color - $75
Send .png or .jpg files to nichole.jenkins@rogersgroupinc.com no later than February 1st, 2024, or upload them below at checkout.